Learning & Development
Tailored training ensures that the course content, exercises and role play scenarios reflect the real situations tackled by your people at work. A hands on approach creates a learning environment that is down to earth, practical, enlightening and fun. This helps you achieve an optimum return on your investment in training.
The date and location of training is set to suit your particular needs, I also aim to be flexible regarding timing.
Following an initial FREE 60 minute virtual/in person/telephone consultation a course outline is created and approval gained prior to the development of the training course. A fee is charged per course, 6 - 8 delegates inclusive. This ensures individual attention and delegate participation. The fee includes all necessary equipment (Phonecoach - training phones, camera, laptop) exercises, handouts and a comprehensive course booklet.
The following selection of my training courses will give you a flavour of the type of training I provide. Please do contact me for a no obligation chat about your specific requirements and how I can align my service to meet your needs.
Key Business Skills (4 hrs)
Assertive Behaviour Skills
Customer Service Programme
Effective Business Writing (email)
Effective Telephone Communication
Building a Positive Culture
Team Building & Team Working
Mental Resilience + Remote Working
Effective Time Management
Management & Leadership (4 hrs)
Selection Interviewing Skills
Motivating the team
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Leading a Team
Presentation Skills
Challenging Conversations
Interpersonal Skills
Mental Health at Work
Handling Harassment and Bullying - Essential for all employees
Personal Development Programme (PDP)
The content of the programme is specifically designed to improve the performance and skills of the individual. The structure is generally mini modules (2-3 hours) over a 2-3 month period, on a one to one basis. A review two months later measures progress and consolidation of the PDP.
Helpful HR
Go Further Goals offers broad HR support in a form to suit you. Take the opportunity to gain time and peace of mind regarding your HR responsibilities. Some examples are illustrated below, please do contact me to discuss your particular business needs.